Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Book Review: Cherished, by Polly Wright

My mom introduced me to Polly and the other ladies who have made We are Cherished their passion.
In short, the mission of WAC is one of sharing the amazing love of the Father and extending help and hope.  Here is their mission and vision, from the website:    wearecherished.com


Mission Statement

Our mission is to reach women in the sex industry and empower them to discover they are loved, valued and cherished.


Vision Statement

We Are Cherished (WAC) is a community of believers in Christ, passionate about seeing women and their families break free from the bondage of the sex industry. WAC is a 501©3 Non-Profit that partners with women by offering assistance with counseling, mentoring, equipping with life skills, education, transportation, clothing, medical, dental and legal aid. We commit to help women live restored lives and embrace the value and purpose of their story, to bring encouragement to others.

Polly's book is the story of her own journey from the pain of abuse, drug and alcohol addiction, and the sex industry.  It is an amazing story of the power of redemption.  Heartbreaking, yet inspiring, difficult, yet encouragingI've been blessed to be around Polly and Trudi and other warriors in the faith.  These ladies are fighting the good fight, they are running the real race.  I couldn't wait for Polly to finish her book, and when she did, I read it cover to cover.

The book is available through the WAC website, or on Amazon.com.