1) Enjoy life. Granny loved to do many things. Snow ski. Play tennis. Play cards. Bird watch. I adopted my love of birds from my grandparents.
2) Be yourself. If you like the purple hat, then wear it. This was Granny's ski hat with pins from all the places she's been. I still have it and wear it with pride.
3) Wherever you are, be there. It sounds simple, but these words have helped my restless soul find peace in the present.
4) No use in complaining.
5) You're never to old to learn something new. Several of the aids where Granny lives only speak Spanish. She had me make her a vocabulary list of words and phrases she could practice so she could communicate with them.
6) Be proud of those you love. Granny loves her family. Her conversation more times than not revolves around her daughters, their daughters, her sons-in-law, her great-grandkids, and Pampa Moose (my grandfather who passed away many years ago).
and last, but not least...
7) If it's good for the soul, it must be good for you. Granny has always loved sweets, but in the last few years, she has narrowed her taste buds to a simple pleasure: chocolate! For her 90th birthday, we got her 90 Hershey bars. I think she liked it.

I love the look on Granny's face when we walked in with the basket of chocolate bars.

Happy Birthday Granny.
*smiles* It's very refreshing to see a family who keeps their grandparents under the same roof, when taking them to nursing homes is so much convenient. How's granny doing now? Before I go, I want to leave you this quote that I think truly reflects you, Brenda: “What good fortune it is to grow up in a home where there are grandparents.” – Suzanne Lafollete
Your words are so timely. My Granny is in her last days here on earth. She is sleeping comfortably with family by her side. She no longer can speak or open her eyes, but is just resting comfortably until Jesus takes her hand. Yes, I am beyond blessed and have no regrets, only great memories and lessons imprinted on my heart. I will have a chat with Granny one day soon. She'll be waiting.
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