Well, after a full year of randomness (working on a book that might get done when I turn 70, working at a bicycle shop while racing mountain bikes, substitute teaching to make ends almost meet)... I'm back at my regular gig of teaching and coaching, which means I'm back to the long winter haitus from my bike.
As basketball season draws to a close and my bike is seeing more love (only on weekends, but that's better than nothing), I'm bringing out the random pictures from the last several months:

Top right: Now that is more like it! Watching our basketball girls come together as they worked hard in the weight room.
My husband's football team won state!!
About the dead of winter, my friend Alicia sent me this picture that was apparently on the "24 Hours in the Canyon" website. It reminded me that the season for biking would soon return. To make myself feel better in the meantime, I sat down and planned my spring races, including the annual 24 hour race in May. If I couldn't be on my bike, I could at least think about being on my bike.
This pictures was taken on a cold, windy day, when the bike and I were happy to be out, despite the lack of sunshine. Oh how fast the endurance goes. After a less-than-2-hour ride, I was smoked.
Back to randomness...
For Christmas, my husband went to Kenya, Africa, for 10 days to visit his little brother (who is living there for 3 years) and I took a fast trip to Colorado with my sister's family.
Aaron in the African sun,

And me in the Colorado snow, snapping a few selfies with my niece, nephew, and sista. Don't tell my brother-in-law I took a secret photo of our Sequoia after it landed in a ditch.
January and February were exhausting months, but as always, the seasons eventually change. Spring is right around the corner, and I'm ready for it.
Since this is "my yearly random post," I will end by sharing some pictures from my sister and niece's most recent trip to Haiti to visit Marlee, the precious baby girl they are adopting into their family.
I can't find the words to wrap this up. I simply know that I am thankful for this life, most of all for the people I get to share it with.
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