Friday, October 5, 2012

Final week of TDP training...and first cross race!

I was reminded of something this week as I tried to make one final push to get my legs and lungs ready for California:  riding with friends is fun.  Simple, I know.  But to a person whose norm is to grab the bike, crawl into some solitary thoughts and ride solo, it has been fun being social for a change.  Here is a recap:

Sunday:  As the rain left the metroplex, I headed up the new and fancy NRH rec center for a great workout of cycling, weights, and then a 2 mile jog.  This was the first jogging I had done in nearly 2 months on my post-op knee and it felt okay.

Monday:  What a great day.  I have 2 groups of ladies I ride with, Stephanie and Janet (fellow TDPink ladies) and Alicia and Deanna (Bicycles Inc. teammates).  I texted all four of them to see if they wanted to go for a ladies ride from my house.  How awesome it was for me to have both groups of friends meet each other and enjoy the fellowship of the bike.  After this day, I felt confident that the Tour, even with its daunting length, will be doable because of the community factor.

Tuesday:  First cross race!!  I have been hearing about this crazy hybrid between road and mountain biking from friends.  Tuesday, I loaded up my mt. bike and headed to Trinity Trails in Fort Worth to join in a local race and give it a try.  Deanna and I were the only ladies in a field of maybe 20.  In cross racing, there is a short, flat course that is maybe half a mile in distance.  You race hard for 20 minutes, doing as many laps as you can without getting lapped.  During each lap, there is a section where you have to dismount your bike, carry it over a couple of barriers, jump back on, and resume the mad chase.  After the clock runs out, everyone who still hasn't been lapped gets 3 final laps to try and sort out the winners.  Needless to say, Deanna and I both got lapped by the boys, but had a little friendly race between ourselves going.  (She had been  kind enough to show me the ropes before the race began.  I was nervous about the running and jumping on the bike, even with padded shorts...).   From the gun, she jumped out ahead and I proceeded to chase her for 20 minutes.  I finished about 10 yards behind her.  We both got a fantastic, high intensity workout as I worked the whole time to close the gap, and she worked to stay out front.  Alicia was there to cheer us and her husband Leonard on.  Other Bikes Inc. racers were there as well, making the evening another great time of hanging out with cool biker folks.  I thoroughly enjoyed the new race experience.  Now if I can just find a cross bike...

Wednesday:  Aaron and I went out to River Legacy and logged about 18 trail miles.  We finished right at dusk.  The first lap we felt a little sluggish, but the second lap we found a groove, so much that when Aaron clipped a tree with his handlebar and flew off his bike, I crashed into him.  I had been following his back wheel close behind and had zoned out.  Yea, wish we had that on camera!  No harm to bike or person, so all was well.

Thursday:  Rest day, and got the bikes shipped!  One week away from the Tour!
                   Our team shirts

Friday (today):  If the rain holds off, Alicia, Deanna, and I plan on hitting Northshore trail.

I am blessed.

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