Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 4: Keystone, Co.

Sweet!  Another mountain, more awesome singletrack and downhill.  For our last day we headed down the road to Keystone resort.  They got some desperate needed rain yesterday (unbeknownst to us), so the trails were prime.  I rode my cross country bike on greens and blues, the boys hit the dowhnill black diamonds.  We met up for lunch when lightening shut down the chair lift.  After one more run, a rain storm cut our day early.  Even so, my computer showed 23 miles and 2 hours of riding.  I'd say it was a fantastic way to end an incredible week of Colorado mountain biking.

The liftie at the top loved this bike (it was super light compared to all the downhill bikes)
This is a sweet picture.  If you look closely, not a single foot is on the ground.

Traces of the terrain park still remained. 

I took this picture in a reflection inside of the old mine.

The brake rotors get really hot going downhill.
Goodbye, Colorado.  I'll be back!


sage moose said...

Glad y'all had a blast! Are any of the fires close to where you have been? Praying for all of the Colorado folks who are being threatened by the fires! Colorado, you are dear to my heart!

Brenda Andress said...

We weren't near any fires, but when we drove through Co. Springs, we saw smoke, burnt mountainsides, and lots of helicopters and workers camped out fighting the fires. We stopped and ate at a Chick Fil A and a worker there said she literally watched fire come down a ridge you could see from the window. The store was evacuated and closed for 2 days. In Co. Springs, almost 350 homes were destroyed, making it the most destructive wildfire to date in Colorado. Yes, praying. And yes, I already miss the mountains. Let's go, sis. Get the family and let's go.